Increases concentration

Boosts creativity

Takes you to a meditative state

Improves self-esteem

Helps with stress and depression

Zentangle is a fun relaxing easy-to-learn method that allows you make beautiful drawings using very simple patterns called Tangles.

The main objective of Zentangle is not your final drawing but the process, the time that you dedicate to yourself and the full attention you put into your strokes. Zentangle is not a drawing discipline but a different way of meditation using creativity. 

Zentangle is a combination between meditation and drawing, and its success is based on its NO MISTAKES philosophy and that is easy to learn and for all ages.

This method is known as Yoga for the Mind.


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Its creators

Zentangle was born in the United States of America in the hands of Maria Thomas y Rick Roberts, a loving couple that have transformed their philosophy on life into a magical formula that works.

tangle ginili

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