1- ABO

On January 14, 2021, on the occasion of my 50th birthday, I introduced my FIRST TANGLE to the world.

"I cannot think of a better way to celebrate my birthday!"

It's called ABO and I hope you like it. Click on this link to see the STEPS

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Y el video de cómo dibujarlo en mi canal de Youtube

ABO stands for my father-in-law's initials, Andrew Burt Osterbery. I gave this name to my tangle because it was thanks to him and one of his doctors appointments that I created it.

It was a cold and windy winter day and I offered to go the doctors with my father-in-law. While I sat by his bed in the observation room, I grabbed my mobile phone to entertain myself when I saw a big sign on the wall saying "no phones allowed". So I took out of my handbag a piece of paper and a pen and I started tangling.

I've always been fascinated by art and I have a special interest for the creative process that germinates a work. On that day I started fantasizing with the idea of being one of those creators that I admire so much. In my head I combined three premises: draw without big expectations, draw without the fear of making mistakes and draw enjoying every single stroke. And as if by magic ABO was born.




The chained links of this tangle made me think of the strong bond that I have with my siblings. We live far away from each other but even so, we are in permanent contact. This tangle is a gesture of the love I feel for them. So, from sibblings I have its name shortened to Sibli.

Here you have the STEPS

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Y el video que de cómo dibujarlo en mi canal de YouTube.

"There is no better gift in life that to be surounded by family and friends. Appreciate it and don't take it for granted"

sibli tangle


I created Aire to show my appretiation and gratitude to Menorca, the beautiful island where I live for more than 20 years.

I have found the inspiration for this tangle in the black lizards that only live in the islet called Isla del Aire, next to the beach of Punta Prima.

I hope you like it.

Here you have the STEPS

Y el video de cómo se dibuja en mi canal de YouTube

"Menorca, magical, full of light, inspiring

quiet, wellcoming, simple in its incredible




Elfo apareció sin esperarlo haciendo garabatos en un trocito de papel. Mi cabeza estaba tratando de encontrar la manera de desear una Feliz Navidad por instagram y derepente vi en el papel unos simpáticos elfos mirándome con cara de sorprendidos. Espero que os guste.

Here you have the STEPS

Y el video de cómo se dibuja en mi canal de YouTube


Interestelar está inspirado en un patrón que solía repetir y repitir en mis cuadernos cuando era pequeña. ¡Quién iba a decir que ya entonces estaba haciendo Zentangle! Es un tangle muy sencillo, cómo lo dicta Zentangle, y que puede servir para rellenar áreas de la tesela. No tienen que ser orbes si no que está abierto a cualquier forma geométrica.. Espero que os guste.

Here you have the STEPS

Y el video de cómo dibujarlo en mi canal de YouTube


Mi primer tangle se llamó ABO en honor a mi suegro, y mi marido pensó que esta vez le tocaba a él. Así que le dedico este tangle cuyo nombre está inspirado en sus iniciales DANO. Es un tangle fácil y divertido con un toque de drama. Espero que os guste.

Here you have the STEPS

Dano tangle

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